Given the values of (observed) x-variables in a SEM, this function may be used to predict the values of (observed) y-variables. The predictive procedure consists of two steps: (1) construction of the topological layer (TL) ordering of the input graph; (2) prediction of the node y values in a layer, where the nodes included in the previous layers act as predictors x.
# S3 method for class 'SEM'
predict(object, newdata, newoutcome = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
An object, as that created by the function SEMrun()
with the argument group
set to the default group = NULL
A matrix with new data, with rows corresponding to subjects, and columns to variables.
A new character vector (as.factor) of labels for a categorical output (target)(default = NULL).
A logical value. If FALSE (default), the processed graph will not be plotted to screen.
Currently ignored.
A list of 3 objects:
"PE", vector of the amse = average MSE over all (sink and mediators) graph nodes; r2 = 1 - amse; and srmr= Standardized Root Means Square Residual between the out-of-bag correlation matrix and the model correlation matrix.
"mse", vector of the Mean Squared Error (MSE) for each out-of-bag prediction of the sink and mediators graph nodes.
"Yhat", the matrix of continuous predicted values of graph nodes (excluding source nodes) based on out-of-bag samples.
The function first creates a layer-based structure of the input graph. Then, a SEM-based predictive approach (Rooij et al., 2022) is used to produce predictions while accounting for the graph structure based on the topological layer (j=1,…,L) of the input graph. In each iteration, the response (output) variables, y are the nodes in the j=1,...,(L-1) layer and the predictor (input) variables, x are the nodes belonging to the successive, (j+1),...,L layers. Predictions (for y given x) are based on the (joint y and x) model-implied variance-covariance (Sigma) matrix and mean vector (Mu) of the fitted SEM, and the standard expression for the conditional mean of a multivariate normal distribution. Thus, the layer structure described in the SEM is taken into consideration, which differs from ordinary least squares (OLS) regression.
de Rooij M, Karch JD, Fokkema M, Bakk Z, Pratiwi BC, and Kelderman H (2023). SEM-Based Out-of-Sample Predictions, Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 30:1, 132-148 <>
Grassi M, Palluzzi F, Tarantino B (2022). SEMgraph: An R Package for Causal Network Analysis of High-Throughput Data with Structural Equation Models. Bioinformatics, 38 (20), 4829–4830 <>
# load ALS data
data<- alsData$exprs
data<- transformData(data)$data
#> Conducting the nonparanormal transformation via shrunkun ECDF...done.
group<- alsData$group
#...with train-test (0.5-0.5) samples
train<- sample(1:nrow(data), 0.5*nrow(data))
# predictors, source+mediator; outcomes, mediator+sink
ig <- alsData$graph; gplot(ig)
sem0 <- SEMrun(ig, data[train,], algo="ricf", n_rep=0)
#> RICF solver ended normally after 2 iterations
#> deviance/df: 6.262846 srmr: 0.3040025
pred0 <- predict(sem0, newdata=data[-train,], verbose=TRUE)
#> amse r2 srmr
#> 0.7653813 0.2346187 0.2948502
# predictors, source+mediator+group; outcomes, source+mediator+sink
ig1 <- mapGraph(ig, type = "group"); gplot(ig1)
data1 <- cbind(group, data); head(data1[,5])
#> 0.4530701 0.6762093 0.5613048 0.5064807 0.1360061 0.7577341
sem1 <- SEMrun(ig1, data1[train,], algo="ricf", n_rep=0)
#> RICF solver ended normally after 2 iterations
#> deviance/df: 6.210737 srmr: 0.2857586
pred1 <- predict(sem1, newdata= data1[-train,], verbose=TRUE)
#> amse r2 srmr
#> 0.7556740 0.2443260 0.2849738
# predictors, source nodes; outcomes, sink nodes
ig2 <- mapGraph(ig, type = "source"); gplot(ig2)
sem2 <- SEMrun(ig2, data[train,], algo="ricf", n_rep=0)
#> RICF solver ended normally after 2 iterations
#> deviance/df: 10.16805 srmr: 0.1282444
pred2 <- predict(sem2, newdata=data[-train,], verbose=TRUE)
#> amse r2 srmr
#> 0.6321508 0.3678492 0.2062241