• First stable version on CRAN
  • Version 1.0.0 is a major release with several new features, including:

  • Added new argument outcome = NULL (defult). This parameter is used in SEMdnn() and SEMml() functions to process a sink categorical node (as a factor) for classification purposes using all graph nodes as covariates.

  • Added new argument newoutcome = NULL (defult). This parameter is used in predict (.SEM, .DNN, .ML) functions to predict a sink categorical node (as a factor) for classification purposes using all graph nodes as covariates.

  • classificationReport() function. A report showing the main classification metrics, like precision, recall, F1-score, accuracy, Matthew’s correlation coefficient (mcc) for all classes of the node = as.factor(outcome).

  • crossValidation() function. A R-repeated K-fold cross-validation with a list of M models from SEMrun(), SEMml() and SEMdnn(). The winning model is selected by reporting the mean predicted performances across all RxKxM runs.

  • getVariableImportance() function. Extraction of common Machine Learning (ML) variable (predictor) importance measures after fitting SEMrun(), SEMml() or SEMdnn() models.

  • Added new argument nboot = 0 (default). This parameter implements cheap bootstrapping in SEMdnn() and SEMml() functions to generate uncertainties, i.e. CIs, for DNN/ML parameters. Bootstrapping can be enabled by setting a small number (from 1 to 10) of bootstrap samples.

  • Change argument thr = 0.5 * max(abs(parameters)) (default). Now the DAG can be colored using a numeric [0-1] threshold. For example, 1/0.5 = 2, can be interpreted as the number of times a node/edge parameter is less than the maximum parameter value.

  • Various fixed bugs discovered after the release 0.1.0.