The function insert additional nodes to a graph object. Among the node types, additional source or sink nodes can be added. Regarding the former, source nodes can represent: (i) data variables; (ii) a group variable; (iii) Latent Variables (LV). For the latter, an outcome variable, representing the prediction of interest, can be added. Moreover, mapGraph() can also create a new graph object starting from a compact symbolic formula.

mapGraph(graph, type = "outcome", LV = NULL, f = NULL, ...)



An igraph object.


A character value specifying the type of mapping. Five types can be specified. If type = "source" is specified, an additional source node (or more) is added to the graph. If type = "group", an additional group source node is added. If type = "outcome" (default), a prediction sink node is mapped to the graph. If type = "LV", a LV source node is included (where the number of LV depends on the LV argument). If type = "clusterLV", a series of clusters for the data are computed and a different LV source node is added separately for each cluster.


The number of LV source nodes to add to the graph. This argument needs to be specified when type = "LV". When type = "clusterLV" the LV number is defined internally equal to the number of clusters. (default = NULL).


A formula object (default = NULL). A new graph object is created according to the specified formula object.


Currently ignored.


mapGraph returns invisibly the graphical object with the mapped node variables.


Mario Grassi


# Load Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
ig<- alsData$graph; gplot(ig)

# ... map source nodes to ALS graph 
ig1 <- mapGraph(ig, type = "source"); gplot(ig1, l="dot")

# ... map group source node to ALS graph 
ig2 <- mapGraph(ig, type = "group"); gplot(ig2, l="fdp")

# ... map outcome sink to ALS graph 
ig3 <- mapGraph(ig, type = "outcome"); gplot(ig3, l="dot")

# ... map LV source nodes to ALS graph 
ig4 <- mapGraph(ig, type = "LV", LV = 3); gplot(ig4, l="fdp")

# ... map LV source nodes to the clusters of ALS graph 
ig5 <- mapGraph(ig, type = "clusterLV"); gplot(ig5, l="dot")
#> modularity = 0.5588502 
#> Community sizes
#>  3  1  4  2 
#>  4  8  9 11 

# ... create a new graph with the formula variables
formula <- as.formula("z4747 ~ z1432 + z5603 + z5630")
ig6 <- mapGraph(f=formula); gplot(ig6)